Milton Wolff

Milton Wolff

Wolff in 2007
Born October 7, 1915(1915-10-07)
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Died January 14, 2008(2008-01-14) (aged 92)
Berkeley, California, U.S.
Nationality United States
Known for Lincoln Battalion
Height 74" (6'2")[1]

Milton "Milt" Wolff (October 7, 1915 – January 14, 2008) was an American veteran of the Spanish Civil War, the last commander of the Lincoln Battalion of XV International Brigade, and a prominent social activist.[2] He died in Berkeley, California on January 14, 2008 at age 92.[2]


Early life

He was born into a working class Jewish immigrant family in Brooklyn, New York. His parents originally came from Lithuania and Hungary. He was also a member of the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression.[2] He became active in the Young Communist League on returning to Brooklyn after the CCC. It was there that he volunteered to go to Spain to fight fascism.[2]

Spanish Civil War

In early 1937, Wolff set off to join the International Brigades in Spain, reaching Albacete by March. As a pacifist, a belief common in the 1930s, he originally wished to be a medic.[2] However, after the International Brigades' heavy losses at the Battle of Jarama, he became a soldier instead, joining a machine gun company.[2] "Largely self-educated, ... [he] was an intellectual".[3] He "detested elegant uniforms", customarily wearing "baggy trousers, a stained leather jacket" and, in wet weather, a "woolly poncho".[3]

After a year's fighting in Brunete, Belchite and Teruel, the Brigade lost two senior officers, David Doran and Robert Hale Merriman at the Gandesa battle on the Aragon front. After which, in March 1938, Wolff became the battalion commander.[2] He led the now Lincoln-Washington Battalion during the Battle of the Ebro and left Spain in November 1938 when the International Brigades were demobilized. Ernest Hemingway described him during this period: [he was] "...23 years old, tall as Lincoln, gaunt as Lincoln, and as brave and as good a soldier as any that commanded battalions at Gettysburg. He is alive and unhit by the same hazard that leaves one tall palm tree standing where a hurricane has passed."[4]

World War II

In 1940, Wolff volunteered for the British Special Operations Executive, and arranged arms for the European resistance organizations. After the United States' entry into World War II, Wolff volunteered for the infantry in June 1942.

He saw action at the end of 1943 in Burma. There, General "Wild Bill" Donovan met him and assigned him to the O.S.S. to work with anti-fascist partisans in occupied Italy.

Later life

Wolff appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee to defend VALB (Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade) from being banned as a Communist front organization. His explanation for his actions owed to his ancestry: "I am Jewish, and knowing that as a Jew we are the first to suffer when fascism does come, I went to Spain to fight against it."[5]

According to historian Peter Carroll:

When Congress passed the McCarran Act in 1950, obliging all designated subversive organizations to register with the federal government and creating heavy penalties for leaders who refused to cooperate, the entire executive committee of the VALB resigned in 1950. In its place, two Lincoln veterans stepped forward: Wolff became the National Commander; Moe Fishman became the Executive Secretary/Treasurer and served the organization in an executive capacity for the rest of his life.[6]

Wolff also battled fiercely for civil rights and against the Vietnam War. He even offered the services of the aging veterans of the Lincoln Brigade to the North Vietnamese leader, Ho Chi Minh, who declined them. Later, Wolff campaigned against apartheid in South Africa, and raised money for ambulances in Sandinista-ruled Nicaragua in the 1980s, personally delivering twenty of them.[2] Wolff wrote three autobiographies, including A Member Of The Working Class about his early life in New York, Another Hill about his communist and Spanish experiences; and The Premature Anti-Fascist, describing his post-war experiences (although there is no concrete proof of the manuscript's existence).

This extraordinary novel centers on one battalion, the Americans, known as the Lincolns, barely trained men who went into battle armed with 1903 Remington rifles. I have never read more intimate, convincing, and devastating accounts of combat. ~ Martha Gellhorn on Another Hill

Personal life

Wolff married and had two children. His family resided primarily in Stony Brook, New York. He supported his family as a pharmaceutical salesman, which required that he live in New York City mid-week and with the family on the weekends. Eventually this marriage ended in divorce. While Wolff was in California, he looked up a comrade of his from Spain, a fellow New Yorker. Her sister had died years before, and for reasons of political prejudice and identity, she took her sister's name. She was an artist who owned a dress shop in Carmel. She sold her dress shop, and they left to see the world. Wolff learned that she had been diagnosed with cancer, and part of their travels included a stop in Aguascalientes, Mexico, where they hoped that the local cures might send the disease into remission. Following their travels, they settled in El Cerrito, California. Wolff and his second wife are both buried in Kensington.

Books by Milton Wolff


  1. ^ Merriman (1986), p. 206
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Douglas, 2008.
  3. ^ a b Eby, p. 319
  4. ^ Notes by Hemingway on "Major Milton Wolff", in Davidson (1939).
  5. ^ Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (2008)
  6. ^ "Mosess "Moe" Fishman (1915-2007)". Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Retrieved 2010-03-13. 


External links